
Crafted using only naturally shed antlers.

Mohnsen Creek Antlercraft started a while back when I decided to use some of the antlers I'd found over the years to make a few Father's Day presents. These went over very well, and I started working on the next batch of birthday and Christmas presents right away.

Our company name comes from from the creek that flows through my family's land in Northwestern Wisconsin. It was named after my great-grandfather George Mohnsen, a farmer who owned most of the roughly mile long creek when the state decided smaller tributaries needed names too. I spent countless hours playing in and around those waters growing up, and it played a large role in the formative years of my life. Trout fishing, swimming, toy boat races, and cool drinks on hot summer days are just a few of the fond memories I have of that creek. When I had to decide on a name, using our creek, and through it my own heritage, was an easy decision.

All products I sell are made from naturally shed Whitetail, Mule Deer, and Elk antlers. Some are those I find myself, and others I buy from reputable sources across the country. This is done to put some buyers at ease, as well as to ensure the creation of these beautiful pieces doesn't promote poaching, trophy theft, or the harvesting of an animal purely for his antlers. We don't use dyes or chemicals on any of our products to change or modify the natural coloring of the antler. However, a clear finish is applied to protect and preserve the antler for long term use. Without this finish, the beautiful coloring the animal worked into the antler would slowly fade over time, especially on any item handled on a regular basis.


Spooner Creek