Keighley Herwick

Against the Current

My name is Keighley Herwick and I am the creator of Against the Current Art. I create canoe paddle jewelry that represents both my love of art and the great outdoors. Each paddle is individually layered, glued, cut, shaped, painted, lacquered, and assembled by hand. I got started creating miniature paddles by bringing the concept to my dad, Mark James. With some woodworking direction and a lot of encouragement, I was able to bring my idea to life.

My artwork is not currently my full-time job, so you’ll often find me painting in the early mornings, nights, or weekends. I love my creative routine. I make a large cup of coffee, sit on the couch with my coffee table that converts into a lap desk, put something on the TV, and get to work! When I’m not working, you can find me enjoying the outdoors with my family and our dogs.


Thom Scott